Àngel Cercós, Sereva’s manager, has given an interview to AEFYT Association where exposes the importance of offering an excelent service to the customers.
In the same interview the current concerns of the sector are also treated, as well as the pros and cons of being placed in a rural environment, and the fact of reaching gender parity at all company levels.[vc_btn title=”READ THE INTERVIEW
(in Spanish)” shape=”rounded” color=”primary” align=”center” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aefyt.es%2Findex.php%2Fcomponent%2Fcontent%2Farticle%2F13-articulos%2Fblog-aefyt%2F1377-angel-cercos-sereva-debemos-aportar-valor-mas-alla-del-precio|title:Click%20to%20read%20the%20interview|target:_blank” btn_px=”3rem” btn_py=”1.25rem” el_class=”mb-0″ animation_type=”fadeInUp”]